Thanks to our dense network of stores, our customers in Germanys are always just a few kilometres away from our stores. That's important to us, because we want to be quickly and easily available. In our about 1,900 stores in seventeen European countries, we offer our customers the latest fashion for the whole family. But we have only just begun: we hope to expand all across Europe, and so we are constantly looking for new opportunities to expand.
Our requirement profile*
What we offer
*Our requirement profiles differ a little from country to country. This is the German requirement profile.
Expansion Manager FR
Expansion Manager IT
Expansion Manager DE, CH
Head of Expansion
Expansion Manager DE
Expansion Manager DE
Expansion Manager DE
Head of Expansion
Head of Expansion
Head of Expansion
Expansion Manager RO, HR, RS, SI
Expansion Manager CZ, SK
Expansion Manager PL, LT, EE
Head of Expansion
Expansion Manager PL, LT, EE
Expansion Manager PL, LT, EE
Expansion Manager RO, HR, RS, SI
Expansion Manager RO, HR, RS, SI
Expansion Manager CZ, SK
Expansion Manager RO, HR, RS, SI
Head of Expansion
Senior Director Expansion / Construction / Procurement
+49 (0) 2504 923-873
Takko Holding GmbH
Alfred-Krupp-Straße 21
48291 Telgte
Head of Expansion CEE
+36 (0) 70 4273978
Takko Fashion Kft
Ébner György köz
2040 Budaoers, Hungary
Head of Expansion (Germany)
+49 (0) 2504 923 370
Takko Holding GmbH
Alfred-Krupp-Straße 21
48291 Telgte